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Pain During Intercourse

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Pain during intercourse, also known as dyspareunia, can be a distressing and often misunderstood issue. It can significantly affect your sexual health, intimacy, and overall quality of life. However, there is a solution. At our clinic, we specialize in pelvic physical therapy designed to alleviate pain during intercourse and help you regain your sexual health.


Understanding Pain During Intercourse


Dyspareunia can arise from various conditions, including tight or weak pelvic floor muscles, post-surgical complications, and certain medical conditions. It's a common issue that many individuals face but are often hesitant to discuss.


Our Expertise in Treating Pain During Intercourse


Our team of dedicated pelvic floor physical therapists is experienced in managing pain during intercourse. We understand the sensitivity of this issue and provide compassionate, individualized care in a safe and confidential environment.


What We Treat with Pelvic Physical Therapy for Pain During Intercourse


Our pelvic physical therapy services can effectively manage a range of conditions related to painful intercourse, including:


  • Genito-pelvic pain

  • Pelvic floor muscle tension or weakness

  • Post-surgical complications

  • Sexual dysfunction


Our Approach to Pelvic Physical Therapy for Pain During Intercourse


We believe in a holistic, patient-centered approach to treatment. Our therapists will work closely with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that aligns with your specific needs and goals.


We utilize evidence-based techniques, including targeted exercises, manual therapy, biofeedback, and education on lifestyle modifications, to enhance your pelvic health and alleviate discomfort. Techniques such as diaphragmatic breathing can even be performed during intercourse to decrease pain.


Benefits of Pelvic Physical Therapy for Pain During Intercourse


With our specialized approach to pelvic physical therapy, you can expect benefits such as:


  • Reduction or elimination of pain during intercourse

  • Improved sexual function

  • Enhanced pelvic floor muscle strength and endurance

  • Increased confidence and quality of life


At BeWhole Pelvic Physical Therapy, we're committed to providing effective, compassionate care for individuals dealing with pain during intercourse. Begin your journey to improved sexual health today. Contact us to schedule your first appointment and let us guide you towards a healthier, more comfortable life.

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